Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Bill of Goods

Gosh, this is turning into a plumbing blog. I just erased 2 paragraphs that were just STARTING to tell the latest chapter in the plumbing story. But you know what? It is barely interesting to me, why on earth would someone else want to read about it? So, suffice it to say, I didn't believe what the plumber told me on Saturday and it turns out it was the truth. I need to replace a valve in my house. I am incredulous that I don't know a plumber in AA. I can't believe it.

My old boyfriend said he would come over this morning to replace the valve and fix my sprinkler system. I have faith that he is capable of doing these things. Whether he will show up is the question. So I will see if he shows up. And if he does, I will be eternally grateful to him. He is such a good man, the fact that he can't get sober is one of the bigger heart-breaking mysteries to me.

"Then some of us are far more alcohol-damaged than others. Still others encounter a series of calamaties and cannot seem to find the spiritual resources to meet them. There are those of us who are physically ill. Others are subject to more or less continuous exhaustion, anxiety, and depression. These conditions often play a part in slips-sometimes they are utterly controlling." - As Bill Sees It, p.99

As I type that paragraph, I realize how grateful I am to be sober. I have done everything wrong in sobriety that you can do. The only thing I think I have done right is I never stopped going to meetings. And I think as long as you go to meetings, you will be prodded into taking the other action necessary to stay sober. Just my opinion mind you...


dAAve said...

I SO agree with your last 3 sentences.
I think it is most of our observations that the vast majority of those who "slip" begin that slip/relapse by cutting down on meetings. This is the beginning of a very very slippery slope.

Sunshine said...

I agree 100%! with you and dAAve! as long as I go to meetings, I have a chance to hear all the other directions/suggestions. Before my relapses, meetings were the first things to go.

Anonymous said...

Ditto and great quote.

Scott M. Frey said...

My wife kept coming back for 7 yrs as she stumbled thru treatment center after relapse after treatment center ad infinitum. The one thing that saved her was the fact that she NEVER quit going to meetings. She is now over 6 and a half yrs sober, we've been together for 7, married for nearly one. Wow, thanks HP and AA!

Tennessee Santa said...
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Tennessee Santa said...

I hope your plumbing problems are handled for your sake. I believe you have done one other thing right as well. You never picked up the first drink. I am sure there are a lot of other things you have done right or you would not be sober this long.

Gooey Munster said...

You are so spectacularly humble. how wonderful to love someone but not love the behavior. I think we are able to do this because we have facts about the Dz. We all know that place of isolation, despair and sadness. No one in his/her right mind would choose to live life as such. And so we love those, even those that are killing themselves -- we are given Hope though.

I agree with everyone and bigskymaack's comment about not picking up that first drink. You have to be doing right.

Rex said...

Seven days without a meeting makes one weak.....but for me two or three days without makes me weak!