Thursday, April 10, 2008

7:45 a.m., I'm in jammies

Seems like a reasonable decision would be to stay home from work again, but I am not going to. So I need to "kick it in the ass" and get myself ready to get out of here.

I called my "prayer partner" from church last night and told her that I would likely not be there this morning. This is the first time since March last year that I have missed my Thursday morning prayer. And this morning as I slept until 7 o'clock, I was really glad I allowed myself that time for sleep. Now, I did miss the time praying, and I will try to make up for it somehow this weekend.

I had a very quiet day yesterday and I needed that. I think I needed a quiet day more than a sick day. That was probably why I was sick. I am also extremely tired. Even now, with all the sleep that I got yesterday, I still wish I could go back to bed.

But I won't. I will go do what I am supposed to be doing. Because I have learned in AA that no matter what is going on, and no matter how much doubt or lack of motivation I may have, just doing the next right thing is usually the right thing to do.

I will be grateful that I have a place to go and things to do.  Meaningful things to do and people who actually care about me.  What could be better?


Syd said...

Take care of yourself. I have been tired too but found that having an early night on Tuesday helped. I need to listen to my body when it tells me enough.

dAAve said...

Sometimes recovery is much harder, but so much more worth it.

Bill said...

I frequently deprive myself of enough rest, and I've been trying to listen to my body promptly lately, before that deceptive 'second wind' kicks in.

Zanejabbers said...

I'm glad you're taking time for you. That's important.

Pammie said...

I can't tell you how many times over the years that the only thing I could manage some days is that darned next right thing. It truly is a design for living isn't it...little chili pepper.

Scott W said...


Anonymous said...

A quiet day. That sounds so nice!