I am attending this conference with a colleague who is a hopeless self-promoter. We had dinner on Sunday night and everything she said related in some way to how much money and "stuff" she and her husband have. She sometimes talks about her friends and mentions (not casually) their homes, and their wealth also. I am SO not about money, it is hard to relate at all to her. She does also talk about how competent and smart she is. I like to think I am competent and smart too, but I really try to avoid talking about that - it is such a boring topic of conversation. I am anxious to get back home.
But MY shameless self-promotion? Gosh, I would really like to have some "followers". I signed myself up to follow a couple of others' blogs to see how it worked, and frankly I thought they would return the favor, but it did not happen. I love they way the little follower faces look - my "other blog" has followers and that one I barely ever post on! Please? Sign up to follow me?
Thank you.
Next post will be from dry and cool Denver, Colorado!
but i don't see the follower thingy do Mary...I put a little icon on my side bar - hold on let me see if i'm missing something.
Oh Mary Christine I am a devotee and follow your blog every day.
Right now I am going to be away for 10 days or so but I will resume following your blog when I get back.
You have played a big role in my recovery and I do read even if I don't always comment.
Love and hugs
MC, you have to put the follower thing on your blog, or leave bread crumbs.
I'm so glad me & kids are not materialistic. I got that right with both of them. I would live off the grid if I could have high speed internet:)
I am now a proud stalker of MC!
You have to have a follower before you can add followers. Thanks Scott!
What a boring conversation that must have been. I don't understand people and how they have to pump themselves up to 'look' better. I guess it comes from low self esteem, something I thankfully don't have.
Glad you will be back home today. My face is right next to my brother's on your follow thingy.
I can't join the follower thingy because I am not Blogger and there are no alternatives given for non-Blogger posters. Ditto you, Pam
Unless I am too damn unsavvy to work out the aternatives. Which is always possible. In any case I read you every day and come up in your blog stats if you check.
The selflessness of the long-distance follower of the reluctant self-promoter LOL...
i didn't see the follower thingy at first either but now I do. I'm watching you! hehe. guess I'll have to jump on the bandwagon and add this to my blog
I'm not much of the minion type, but I do follow your blog. You've got a link in my blogroll at yellow-blog.com
I used to be so intimidated by people like that, and coupled with my competitiveness and self-absorption, I had to either one-up them or cut them down. Now I try to do what you just did--accept them as they are and get away. Thanks for another day of ESH.
I wanna be a follower but I don't think I can keep you. You run much to fast. ;)
I find it hard spending time with those that constantly have to toot their own horn.
And I've been following you for awhile, just quietly.
Done. :)
I'm following you every day but have now posted my avatar to prove it. I don't like people who talk about their wealth. They can't take it with them. It's sad if that is all they care about. Never understood that mindset.
Mary, I'm with you (again?).
Husband: "I'm going to work hard and someday we are going to be rich."
Wife: "We are already rich, dear, for we have each other. Somrday maybe we'll have money."
Steve E.
I am one of your followers - and I read you everyday and I'm glad you promote yourself as you do and AA as well!
Always reading,
Hey MC...
I'd follow YOU anywhere.
I always think (with people like that) poor things..they are searching for that happiness that I know doesn't come from where they're looking.
I grew up poor and so it doesn't really take much for me to be deliriously happy. *wink
Love your insights.
I havent had time to do the follower thingy. That lady sounds just like my Mom. Don't follow me I am lost too! LOL.
Your cell takes better pics than my BlackBerry. Maybe if I read the instructions? :-)
Enjoy Colorado!
I think that lady is a "MEME". Page 84 tells us, as you so aptly
prsctice, that love and tolerance is our code. I'm reminded of an old song "I will follow yooooouuu!"
What a beautiful picture - that church looked like a peaceful place to find respite from the self-promoter.
When I meet people like that I try really hard to remember God loves them too and spend as little time as possible with them - leaving graciously, if I can.
It may turn out that when we click on your blog, there will be nothing on the first page, but icons of all your followers.
I think the saying is, "Ask and ye shall receive."
I put you on my blogs to follow list...your writing has been an inspiration to me.
okay, okay:)
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