Let's see, if I am 54 years old (I am), and have been sober since I was 32 (which I have), and the first ten years of my sobriety were pretty chaotic (which they were), then I have had almost twelve years now of peace and serenity. But from years ten til sixteen I managed to start and finish my bachelors degree and then go on to get my masters degree, all while working full time, supporting myself and raising kids sporadically - I wouldn't call that exactly peaceful and serene... or was it? I digress... So let's say the last 5 years of my life have been peaceful and serene (which they have). That means that of a life of 54 years, I have had 5 years of peace and serenity. Which means that .0925 of my life has been peaceful and serene.
This is all a very long way of explaining WHY I think putting peg board on my garage wall is exciting. I used my own little black and decker cordless drill and my own little ladder and my own little arms, legs, and hands to put it up. I didn't have a fight with anyone. The police were not called. There were no suicide threats or attempts. I didn't write a hot check for any of the above. I am not hiding from anyone today. I am just a normal appearing granny living alone in her little green house with the flag flying on the front porch.
And for all of this I am more grateful than words can say.
Thanks all you bloggers for enriching my life.
he he you are a riot, girl! I love it! This is exactly the kind of stuff that pleases me as well. (although I do seem to still require some crazy now and then, or I feel somethings missing in my life!) My, what a great post on living sober a day at a time. Amazing how things change over time, huh?
Now that looks very good. Very (here goes Dave a new word) Grannyish, wrong grannyesque you deserve a word that is a little classier. I am happy for you. And as well have a place in the sun. It seems to me that would make a great song title.
I have that song on my I-pod and I can imagine driving through the desert of Arizona every time I hear it!
Wow - can I relate! Great job with the peg board and organization.
At 10 yrs. "quality dry" I started working in construction at 54 yrs. old.
Now, I'm almost finished with two years of work remodeling our "new" house. And people say it looks great while I think to myself, if you only knew.
Never in my wildest dreams...
What a nice Granny-ish thing to do. And there also appears to be flags flying in your garage, as well, next to the well-organized peg board that you installed with your battery-powered tool while using the steps and assorted appendages.
Peg board is a great invention!
You go girl! Thanks for sharing.
You touched me! I love the picture too.
I wonder if I can comment without an account... psychbaby.com
OH you gave me goosebumps !!!
I love it!
you ROCK!!!!
great job on your PEG BOARD and getting those shelves up
Hi there, no blog for me yet....just have to get over this fear that if I let people know me they won't like me........ (alcoholism?)...besides, I don't know how to set one up....I feel like I am a retard, helpless and hopeless.....I hate it....thanks for sharing your experience strength and hope...may be I can do this too....one step at a time...
by the way, thanks for advise.... today is day two of my fast....I'm not really hungry but I want the day to go really "fast"....I go to a BB study meeting tonite....Bye.
Oy. Anonymous, I know you didn't ask for advice, but that fasting is pretty dangerous stuff for an alcoholic. Please be careful, OK? And if you look at my blog, there is a little link on the top that says "get your own blog" - it is about as easy as clicking on that. But don't do it if it makes you uncomfortable.
ahhh there is hope for me too. Big 10
I love your little green house with that flag so proudly waving in the breeze.
I see you,
I am loving it. Do you have a work belt to? If not you should get one. Tools of recovery, tools of working around the house. All needed to live in that peaceful home of yours.
I don't have a tool belt, but I have a tool box - which I think is so cool.
I also have a tool box of another kind. Alcoholics Anonymous. What a miracle that is.
I'm seeking for any info about XRUMER program.
Can you help me? Or give me a link to the official site of this sofware.
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