I didn't wake up until 7:00 a.m. this morning!!!! I will try to get a run in after work today. I would not get to work until 10:00 if I tried to run this morning. hmmmm, maybe that isn't such a bad idea... it is warm out - 30 degrees, some of the sidewalks are clear, I think I might just be that late! (I will, of course, call work and make provisions for this lateness).
"The lone member at sea, the AA at war in a far land -- all these members know that they belong to AA's world-wide community, that theirs is only a physical separation, that their fellows may be as near as the next port of call." -- As Bill Sees It, p. 9
That's GREAT that y'all got together (for dinner).
Thanks but whats up with that photo..I look drunk or on coke. We had fun and thanks for everything. Next time I will use my camera.
I think Lash is camera shy as this is the first real look at him we have gotten. Y'all do look like you're having a great time. It is so much fun to meet other bloggers.
oh I'm jealous ya'll got to be together......that's so great!
how wonderful! What a great pic and you look wonderful
How cool that the 2 of you got to get some real time together
very cool
Totally cool man...
I also think it's wonderful that folks refer to your laugh...
What is this “running” that you write about? Lol
Your dedication to running… along with my being more aware of my piss-poor health… combined with my being sober…
I actually dug my old cross-country running shoes out of the closet.
And get this: I looked at them thoughtfully for a moment and moved them to the FRONT of the closet.
Ya, that’s right.
:) Be impressed!
btw: by "piss-poor health" I mean high blood pressure and a bit of a paunch :)
man, that's great that y'all got to hook up and hang out! kool pic!!
Ahhh, I beg the differ and say that is a GREAT picture of you two.
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