Friday, November 06, 2009

Our Differences

"We are people who normally would not mix" -- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 17

I had an atrocious day yesterday. I had difficulty sleeping last night. I got up this morning and checked the blogs. It seems that we have collectively decided to focus on our differences instead of our commonality today. Okay. That is the way for me to separate myself from you, and that, I think, is my alcoholism's best tool to get me back.

So, you guys go ahead and focus on your sexuality, nationalism, political and religious views, I will try to plug through today the best I can. Thank God I have places to go and people to see. I have an assembly to go to tonight and lots of people who need lots of help right now.

And I think I will stick to telling my own story today.


Scott M. Frey said...

I hope ya have a great day MC...

dAAve said...

As the World Turns ...

Annsterw said...

Great post - right there with ya!!! Say a little prayer and tell yourself that it will be better and it will be!!! Pryaing for gods will to fly your way!!!!!

Lou said...

I'm guessing you will see our connectedness in this life in someone's eyes today as you travel through your day.

Thinking of you.

Syd said...

Underneath all of our differences and character defects, there is the commonality of each of us being a child of God. I hope that you have a good day and enjoy the assembly.

Mary LA said...

We all struggle with differences and diversity. I hope you get a good night's sleep.

Ed G. said...

I think I get, after all, that I'm just a drunk. And, I'm in a world that I don't understand (comprehend?). I might be different from you but I can still learn from your experience, if you care to share it.

I think I need drunks like me who've gone down this path to show me a way that's better than what I've had in my past.

Blessings and aloha...

Unknown said...

The old H.A.L.T. mood can get so dark so quickly, MC. I hope you get some comfort and maybe some comfort food (cheesecake, perhaps??) today. :-D

Namaste and luv

Leon Kennedy said...

12-step rehab is a great way to start. Glad you are posting, keep up the prayer and meditation.

You're the best, Mary Christine

garden-variety drunk said...

i love that we are people who normally would not mix (and looking at my AA family, that is certainly true!) we're all G-d's kids- that was one of the first mind-blowing things i heard in AA and that really stuck with me.

Anonymous said...

I have never been very good at reading between the lines, but anyway, I hope you have a nice weekend in your neck of the woods.