Thursday, October 05, 2006

I'm leAAving!

My neighbor saw me taking this picture last night and shook her head. She asked me why I am always outside taking pictures of my feet and my hands, etc. She hasn't yet realized that it is always on Wednesday night - getting ready for half naaked thursday. She just thinks I am odd. Imagine that!

"Change is the characteristic of all growth. From drinking to sobriety, from dishonesty to honesty, from conflict to serenity, from hate to love, from childish dependence to adult responsibility - all this and infinitely more represent change for the better." -- As Bill Sees It, p. 76


Shannon said...

NOOOO you are not ODD! She is : D

dAAve said...

Tell her that people all over the world enjoy looking at your feet every Thursday.

Amerynthe said...

I wonder what she would have said had she seen some of the other photographs on today's HNT ... I'm still reeling from the shock of 'the all-seeing eye' photo and feel that feet are a lot more soothing!

Just a man trying to get by said...

Lol! We are feet-o-holics!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I love that picture. And I just got your cap AA's. But then I'm an Al-Anon so I forget that there is this other program that we basically copied, because we are just as sick!! Your sharing the day before was sooo good about remembering it is a WE program, not a ME program. Thank you!!!

Gooey Munster said...

You can say you are a foot model and building on your portfolio . . .

jk, I love seeing your feet and appreciate that you go to great lengths to show us where they have been.

Anonymous said...

LOL...that cracked me up!

Alcoholic Brain said...

Odd is a beautiful thing...

jake said...

I'm speechless.....Great work....

Trudging said...

The term the kids here use for odd is being an "offie" as in yo, your an offie bro.

JJ said...

I love that picture and I often wonder what people think when I am snapping away at various parts of my body.
I see you,

Petutes said...

You're feet are georgious! Who care's what she thinks you're being you!

Mike said...

Ok, so one of these days I am going to start fitting digital photos into my busy busy schedule and start posting on HNT as well. Then my neighbors can think I am odder than they already do. Imagine getting up and leaving every morning on your Harley at 6:15 am only to return at 8 am. What is up with that?

lash505 said...

Thats a riot I get the visual. lol

Tennessee Santa said...

Just keep smiling and keep her guessing. I think your feet are neat. It is better than the shor I posted last week.

Unknown said...