It is a beautiful chilly morning in Colorado. I did take the day off, so I will have a 4 day weekend. I woke up thinking I would run, but I looked again for my pepper spray, and that led me into cleaning out a couple of drawers, and I then needed to have another cup of tea, and then I felt I needed a bath, etc.... and before long, I decided that I would run on my scheduled day - tomorrow, but definitely not today. And I will buy another canister of pepper spray today.
Okay. I have been reading blogs. I am wondering about what happens to a new person when they hit a random any meeting in Anywhere, USA... or world. I remember the things they used to tell me. I don't hear this stuff much anymore... and much of it is not in AA literature, so people take issue with some of it. But, I think it is worth repeating.
Don't drink - even if your butt falls off, don't drink. And if you don't know what that means, try not drinking when your butt falls off, and you will learn what it means.
Go to 90 meetings in 90 days. If you think you are too busy, maybe you need to drink more until you lose everything that is keeping you so busy.
Read the Big Book. It is not called "The Basic Text," but it is our basic text. Another fellowship calls their book "The Basic Text," not ours. Read the Big Book as if your life depends on it, because it does.
Get a sponsor. This is not like getting married. It is finding someone who can help you. In this relationship, forever is until you change your mind. We hire and fire sponsors all the time, solid AA members will not take offense to being fired, they just might be relieved. Lucky are those of us who have found sponsors who have lasted a long time... it took me 11 years to find that one - she is still my sponsor 13 years later.
Don't take chemicals that will alter your mood. Yeah, I know, you are all on anti-depressants now, but seriously, they used to tell us that. Alcohol is a depressant, you won't know if you really have depression for a while. And you need to work the steps before embarking on a new antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication. It is amazing what changes the steps bring about! (I am not talking about people with serious mental illness who need to take their medications.)
Turn your thoughts to others. If you have 24 hours of sobriety, that is 24 hours more than lots of people. Try to reach out FOR help and TO help. It will save your life when nothing else will. You ALWAYS have something to give to others. Your mood will improve like you cannot believe when you stop thinking about yourself 24/7.
If you are not ready to quit drinking, please don't waste our time. There are people who are literally dying of alcoholism all around us, and when we spend time on someone who is just screwing around, we are depriving another person of an opportunity to live. If you think you have a better idea about how to stay sober, do it. We are not here to convince you that you are alcoholic or that you need AA. AA does not claim it is the only way to get sober. It is, however, the only way that worked for me... and countless others.
And finally, AA is not a self-help program. It is not about self at all. It is about coming for help when we are desperate enough to ask God for help. It is about ego DEFLATION. Self-esteem may follow as a result of living right for year after year, but we cannot seek self-esteem... you just can't find it by looking for it.
If you are an alcoholic - and they used to tell us that we were the only ones who could say we were - AA may be the best thing that even happened to you. It has been for me. But we are not here to convince you of anything. Our way of life is radical, radically God-centered, and Other-centered. It does not appeal to everyone. It was not meant to. It was meant to save the lives of a bunch of hopeless drunks... and it has done a darn good job of it!
Thanks for listening.