Last night I saw S. at the meeting again. S. looks another ten years older than last week, in fact, I swear he is shorter than he was. I am 5'7" and S. was shorter than me last night. S. said in the meeting that he was NOT willing to go to any length to stay sober. Fucking Fantastic. I am sick of attending funerals.
There are pink clouds in the sky now and I need to get out there for a run while it is still pretty and cool.
"Be swift to hear, slow to speak,
slow to wrath, for the wrath of man
worketh not the righteousness of God."
-- One Day at a Time in Alanon, p. 223
Ask S. what color flowers he wants at his funeral. Tell him you'll FTD them because you are tired of going to AA funerals.
Have a GREAT weekend. LOL
Daave, I said something very similar to him last week. Then he got into his Mercedes convertible and drove away. I think it is hard to "get" how powerless we are when everything "seems" OK. Thank God everything did not "seem" OK when I hit the doors.
S is a blatant reminder of how sick alcoholism can truly make a person..
once it makes its toxic way into a persons spirit,it looks very grim.
I am grateful you are taking care of yourself MC and that you share here ...Thanks for being you :)
Yes, it would be a good thing if I never have to go to another A.A. funeral. At least a drink A.A. funeral.
Hi MC! Congrats on your triathlon, you're an inspiration as I'm doing my first triathlon next summer. I can "hear" the tiredness in your writing and hope you're getting in some good quiet downtime. Rest is important.
I'm so sorry I didn't get a chance to meet you in Denver last week, once I left NM I unexpectedly wasn't able to access email. Next time I'll let you know farther ahead of time! I wound up at a York St Club morning meeting and LOVED it. Loved the club, the meeting, everything but the damn heat! :)
Take care and hugs...
Keeps it green for today. People like that just give me more practice on me. (Did that make sense?)
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