Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Restless, Irritable, and Discontent. I am not a happy girl today. I will get over it. Honest. But right now - I am not happy.

I had no internet access last night at home. Or this morning. And I called Qwest about my DSL and I don't want to write a damn book about this, but I am not happy with those people.

At work my computer is not working right either. I have a help desk ticket in, and I am sure it will get resolved. And my DSL at home should be all right tonight... I hope.

I seem to have gotten wrapped up in the worldly world with my sister's visit and now I need to seriously get readjusted. I have no perspective. I am still reeling from watching her purchase a $1,700. handbag. It is none of my business, but I don't get it. And I can't live in that world. I do not have those values. Frankly, if I do adhere to those values, I better get used to the idea that I am a big fat loser, which I do not believe.

I did take a nice sunrise 3 mile run this morning - which brings my September total to 58 miles. Only 2 more miles to go to get my 60 miles. And I have a race on Sunday. It will be good.


Anonymous said...

We all have our days like these MC..
I am sure it is for some reason or another.You will be the one to figure it out and I will be the one to just leave you with a little cyber hug...take care and keep those precious values of yours close at all times:)
Thanks for sharing~

Anonymous said... that race is going to be great for you to participate in!

JJ said...

Loser.....WTF you talking about girl? You are GREAT! $1,700've got to be fuck'n kidding me. I think my car is worth that. Someday when I am rich I will buy you as many handbags as your closet can handle but right now I'll settle for a nice cup of tea or coffee sitting on your really nice front porch sharing with you what I know I can and just being your friend. Stay strong my sista.
I see you,

dAAve said...

I agree with tab.

If you were my sponsor and I told you these things (as you typed about) I believe you would tell me to get to a meeting.

Trudging said...

I thought RID was that stuff for septic tanks or is it rats.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your race!

I can totally identify with the annoying technical difficulties. My stupid cell phone hasn't been able to receive calls for three weeks, even when the signal has all five bars. Cingular says this is normal. Eh? WTF? I'm missing phone calls from prospective employers! I just applied for a bunch of jobs!

Meh. Could just be God/HP's way of telling me not to worry too much. And to go to more meetings :)

Anonymous said...
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Tennessee Santa said...

I understand the frustration of not having your internet access. I get pretty ticked when I can't get online myself. That RID causes me a lot of problems as well, especially when something else is not working.

I personally think you are a long long way from being a loser. In my books you are a big winner.

I think your sis is the one with a few marbles missing that kind of money for a purse.

My new seamstress and tailor has a thing for underwear and she used to spend a lot at Victoria Secret. She decided that it was not good to spend so much money on something that no one gets to see. So she started making purses out of womens unmentionables. I guess they are all right but she sells them for around $80.00 and that seems rediculous to me. But she does alright with it she calls them Amy's Announcements. They have to be far more practical than the one your sis bought.

I have been having some internet and e-mail problems myself so take care.

Anonymous said...

So my experience, strength, and hope is that I once did a 4th and 5th step on Qwest! Really! And it worked! My DSL doesn't always work, though. When that happens, I figure I have something better to do with my time. And ooh! I always wondered who those people are who spend lots of money on purses and shoes! Now I know! They aren't just movie stars and Paris Hiltons. Tell you what, if I had $1,700 extra dollars, I wouldn't buy a purse. I may fly to Rome and buy a purse from a street vendor, though... Well, I think I may blog a bit on the school shooting in our area of the world, again... sigh, people are going to start moving away from Colorado and my house will go down in value... Like this is about me!!! By the way, it's okay to not be perfectly okay, just for today, but I'm even thinking about finding a meeting tonight. Blessings!

Mary Christine said...

Thanks everyone. I got some perspective on my "problems" this afternoon when an innocent 16 year old was shot and killed at a nearby high school. I don't have any problems.

Mike said...

Thanks for the post MC,

I have been unable to get to a meeting in Southern Cal and always know I can find what I need on the blogs.

I bought a $69.95 suit this week at the clearance store to wear to my son's wedding. Hope that doesn't put me in the same category as your sis.. LOL

Keep on keeping on, and running, and being...

lash505 said...

Easy sport. your handbag is the world and you have not opened it all the way. I always hated it when people called me Laugh more.. If you bought that hand bag you would either lose it or never want to use it $$$$.