I love to purchase new shoes. I love to purchase too many shoes. I spend entirely too much money on shoes. I used to buy lots of nice new high heeled shoes to wear to work. Lately I wear my old high heeled shoes to work and save my money for the important shoes - like sandals, running shoes, hiking boots, and other recreational footwear.
I am off to church now. One hour of silent prayer has great restorative powers.
"(a) That we were alcoholic and could not manage our own lives.
(b) That probably no human power could have relieved our alcoholism.
(c) That God could and would if He were sought." -- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 60
I have to force myself to buy new shoes, when whatever I am wearing starts falling apart.
I love those ABCs.
Mens shoes are so expensive. And most are so ugly. Last night I was online looking at shoes. I will not pay $100 for shoes. Zappos.com is a great online source for shoes.
I too have developed a bad habit of wanting too many shoes.
More shoes.
Give me more shoes, please.
OH man, I love the ABC's
and 1 hour of quiet prayer, it has been along while since I have spent that much time in prayer, but it sounds soo good. I think tonight I will do that
I am buying things for the boat so I'll have to go barefoot for a while. I just thank my HP that I never had to wear wingtips.
You can't go wrong with Chacos!
Not only are men's shoes expensive and ugly, but I've always gone out shopping for them. Ugh! Props to Scott for pointing me to Zappos.com
The thing I love most about shoes is that they always seem to fit (even when clothes don't!)
FYI- the new game that I am NOT ADDICTED to is called "Sims". Have you heard of it? A friend just gave it to AAngel and told her not to let mommy play it 'cause it was too addictive! LOL They have seceral versions including 'The Sims' & 'The Sims House Party'- I highly DON'T recommend either one!!!
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