Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy Friday Morning

Blogger wouldn't let me type in a title, I only had a drop down box of all the titles I have ever used, and I thought this one was apt. I have a three day weekend ahead of me. The State AA Convention is this weekend, but I decided not to go. I had planned to go and stay with my sponsor and her husband. I was also planning to see a man I was dating (but not talking about) who moved to the western slope in June.

I decided that there is a man here in my house (my son) who I have missed for over a year (while he was in Iraq). My heart is happy every time I see him. I do not care to miss many opportunities to spend time with him. He will be back in his own apartment soon enough. I will get over to visit my sponsor and the man later on in the year when the time is right. But this weekend, I just want to be at home.

I also think there should be people sitting in the regular old boring meetings - without the super star circuit speakers - for the drunks who stumble in, unaware that everyone has gone to the State Convention!!! I will gladly be the regular old sober alcoholic, sitting in the regular old meeting, waiting for the regular old drunks. Let the rest of them go off and get shiney and dressed up and give standing ovations for an alcoholic telling their story (can you tell I have a big problem with that? I do!)

"Moved by the spirit of anonymity, we try to give up our natural desires for personal distinction as AA members both among fellow alcoholics and before the general public. As we lay aside these very human aspirations, we believe that each of us takes part in the weaving of a protective mantle which covers our whole Society and under which we may grow and work in unity." -- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 187


dAAve said...


Have a GREAT weekend!!

Shannon said...

Niiice and cant say I blame ya, have a HAPPY FRIDAY!

Scott W said...

We have a great convention here over Thanksgiving weekend. You should come down some year.

Namenlosen Trinker said...

I am quite sympathetic to your feelings about "super star circuit speakers" and the importance of "waiting for the regular old drunks." Of course, if I were asked to be one of those super star speakers, I'd be there in a New York second. The thought of being in front of the hundreds (or thousands, as the case may be) telling my <sarcasm>all important story</sarcasm> is... well... attractive!

You think maybe there's a little bit of envy and some lack of humility in this garden-variety alcoholic? LOL!

Syd said...

I like the choice that you made. You are a superstar in many ways.

Pammie said...

I'm glad you get to stay home, you've been kind of tired lately, and this is probably a good time to get some MC time in.
Let's make a commitment - the next time we see each other...let's stand and applaud the other. OK?

lash505 said...

that man better not effect our dinner dates