My daughter is in the next bedroom. My sponsor and her husband are downstairs in the guest bedroom. My house feels full of love and very, very sober, and very, very happy.
When I came home from work today, it was so lovely to see my front door open. My sponsor, her husband, and my sponsor's friend were inside visiting. I got to come in and join the visit. Later we went out to eat and then to DQ for a dipped cone (YAY!). And then much later, my daughter came in, having spent the evening with HER sponsor.
Everything feels like it is exactly the way it should be.
We will all get up tomorrow morning and make a mass exodus at about 6:15 a.m. for the 6:30 meeting. That should be great.
I am so very grateful for a sober life. It is so good.
God is Goood!
Reading your description I just picture your house glowing with this bright shining light of peace, happiness, and serenity. :-)
ummmmmmm... DQ !!
It sounds like a wonderful time. Your basket of flowers fits the love and joy within your house.
oh it does sound good darlin'!!!
I am reading The Keys to the Kingdom in preparation of meeting with Don K this morning. Sounds familiar!
God Bless you and every one else,enjoy your meeting.
I'm so glad you got this respite in the sea of your life...
sounds like fun but then again, i'd even settle for a dipped cone! lol
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