And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.. -- William Shakespeare.
As I got sober, I was taught that I had to be honest, and in order to be honest with anyone else, I had to first be honest with myself. I need to do a great deal of self-examination of my motives, of my behavior, and of my circumstances.
I was surrounded by people who simply would not tolerate game playing from me. It was a hard thing to learn. To learn to openly say the truth. Not to skirt around it and leave people wondering what is going on. That is not a kind thing to do to someone.
I had to come to learn who I was and what I wanted. Then I had to learn how to state that. No one has to guess who I am or what my motives are.
Today I took a run and brought my camera with me. I took many pictures that I didn't think I was going to like because there was a cloud shrouding a mountain that is normally sunlit and bright in the morning when I run. When I got home, I was thrilled to see the photos. They are pretty!
And so, regardless of what is going on or not going on in my life, I know who I am. I know that I can take a run in the morning and be inspired by God's creation. I know that I talked with my sponsor tonight and I am looking forward to her visit this weekend. I know that I talked with 2 out of 3 of my children today and that we ended our conversations with "I love you." I know that I am meeting with a sponsee tomorrow morning to read the big book.
The people in my life know what to expect from me because I communicate with them.
I am a sober member of Alcoholics Anonymous; that is a blessing and a responsibility.
Thank you for this great posting and great message as well.
I know you.
Thank you for your constancy and courage and willingness to be true and stand for the truth...
Blessings and aloha...
Thanks for a great post! I've become recently inspired to take some pics of scenes that remind me that we're constantly surrounded by beauty, if only I have the eyes to see
I feel like I know you.
I love the inspiration that comes from Gods creations...I look at you that way my sweet Mary girl.
Knowing who we are and knowing that we are being honest with ourselves and others is one of the best presents we could ever give ourselves. It makes life so much easier.
I get it. ;-)
With your talent for painting that photo whould make a great picture. J.
I am glad that you are true to who you are and honest about it. What a relief to be able to have that honesty and to speak the truth without being cruel. Nice photo.
that's simply a wonderful post and I really am glad I stopped by tonite...
thank you
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