Thursday, February 15, 2007

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Makes a person feel dull and uninspired. I have had it with snow, ice, clouds, temperatures in the single digits, and not being able to step outside in the morning and start running. And here it is Thursday and I can't decide what picture to post because I have taken a bunch, but I am not in love with any of them.

I am going to drive to the gym and run on the dreadmill. Then I will come home and prepare to go to work. It has been a hard week at work.

Here's my picture - I took it last night. It is a boring written 10th step inventory. I do it at night as I go to bed.
My prayer for today? Please God, Please, let this weather end soon. I need to be outside in your sunshine. I need to run and breathe and thank you for my health and fresh air. I need to exult in your creation. Thank you.

"When we retire at night, we constructively review our day. Were we resentful, selfish, dishonest or afriad? Do we owe an apology? Have we kept something to ourselves which should be discussed with another person at once? We we kind and loving toward all? What could we have done better? Were we thinking of ourselves most of the time? Or were we thinking of what we could do for others, of what we could pack into the stream of life?" -- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 86


Pammie said...

bless your heart.....I know ya'll need some glorious sunshine up there. I will add a sunbeam prayer to my list this morning. Stay warm!

dAAve said...

I can't imagine actually writing a 10th step each day or night. I do it as I pray (outloud).

FYI - I had a 42 year-old driver in Nigeria for 8 months. He had never taken a hot shower or bath in his life. I once offered my shower to him. He was afraid to try it. I will always be grateful for what I have.

Trudging said...

Hang on, the promise of Spring is just around the corner.

lushgurl said...

Oh Lordy I can so relate to the hum drum of winter..I'd trade ya for the single digit temps though, our forecast is -32 with the wind (that is in celcius!)
I like the idea of the 10th step everynight, I will try that, I usually write my gratitude list.

ArahMan7 said...

I shall always be grateful for what I have. Thanks for the reminder.

Just a man trying to get by said...

I kinda remember the hum drum of winter, but I do miss the snow and cold weather just a tiny bit.

Also, being snowed in and cuddling up to a fire... when everything shuts down...

Shannon said...

I can so relate! I live in the Pacific North West, tbey say we have 4 seasons, rain, rain, rain and rain.. LOL
but we do have beautiful springs and summers, and I am really looking forward to warmer weather, being out on the boat fishing with my husband and Roxy.. aaaaaaaaaah :)
thanks for reminding me that spring will be here too and this too shall pass...
love you

Mama Dukes said...

you work so hard at program
I know I shouldn't compare but it seems that I hardly work it
you are an inspiration

I hear ya sista about the SAD, I've got it too--we have sun today but frigid anyway

Anonymous said...

the winter blahs...

well, didn't that big rat see it's shadow? spring should be on us soon, right?

Sober @ Sundown said...

Hi MC,

Happy belated Valentine's Day. Thanks for stopping by and wishing me a happy day.

I miss the romance of winter, but I haven't forgotten that it always lasted too long. I feel for ya.

JJ said...

I know I have the SAD. You would think I would be use to the winter after all I've lived in New England all my life...but I can't stand it. The older I yet the worst it gets.
Happy Valentine's Day
Happy HNT Day
Have a kickass weekend.
I love you
I see you

Scott W said...

Expect a miracle! Everyday.