I also just have to say that it appears that I am being scapegoated at work. I hate to utter those words because I have been working at the same place for 13 and a half years, and for most of that time I have loved it. Right now I am not loving it. Every day I have to remind myself that if I get my ego out of the way, I will be just fine. I know what the truth is and that is all that matters. I know that I am competent and hard-working. If I am a convenient target, I can just tell the truth in the least defensive way possible. And know in my heart, deeply in my soul, that God has me firmly in his hand.
It is very tiring though.
"We found the Great Reality deep down within us. In the last analysis it is only there that He may be found. It was so with us." -- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 55
That photo looks just fine to me. It's a beautiful scene.
Too bad about the problem at work. Some people just suck.
I think that you would like the book that I blogged about--The No Asshole Rule. It pretty much sums up what I suspected all along--there is a legacy of AH's in many organizations.
This is totally off subject, but I just heard that Gary Coleman got married.
Things do have a tendency to work out in the end. If they haven't worked out, then it's not the end.
It seems that you have been kind of busy with work. It is funy when others see someone actually working that green eyed monster shows up just becasue they ae not working.
I aam setting up a blog for a bunch of Jolly old fat men in red. It seems we will be having an event next march in gatlinburg. So they thought they would try blogging on this instead of a message board, we will just have to see how well it works.
I need to come up there and give a "talkin' to" to a lot of people in your life.
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