Sunday, July 26, 2009

Another Name Change

A nice man came to my house this afternoon to restore my internet access.  I needed and got a new modem.  And now I have access again to the world wide interwebs.  woo! hoo!

The moment I checked my blog again, I decided to change my blog name again.  It has been  on my mind for a while.  My blog was originally named "Anonymous Alcoholic" which seemed a bit too close to "Alcoholics Anonymous" to me.  When another fellow came along and called himself that, I decided to change my name rather than fight him.  I thought "One Sober Alcoholic" was a good name, since that is what I am.  But others came along and used names so similar to mine that they actually confused me!  So I sat down this afternoon and thought about it for a minute and came up with "Being Sober" and will try this on for size for a day or two.  It is what my blog is about.  Just being sober, the good, the bad, and the ugly.  And the grateful, happy, and serene...

I have had a wonderful weekend.  I am ready to get back to work tomorrow.   All the activity and attention has just been over the top.  I like my normal and quiet life.  I like the breaks in it, but I am happy to resume the way things normally are.  Quiet.

I have a triathlon next Sunday and then a week of vacation scheduled.  I scheduled the vacation for a class that I decided last week not to take.  The schedule of mandatory furlough days was announced last week and when I considered that I am taking at least a 2.5% cut in pay and maybe more, I decided I ought not to spend a bunch of money for a class that is really an expensive indulgence.  Now if I can only make some more good decisions like that...

I was going to write about some traditions today, but have gotten side tracked.  Maybe tomorrow.

Let's all thank God for a good and sober day, OK?


dAAve said...

Good evening BEING SOBER.
My name is David and I'm an alcoholic.

Ed G. said...

If you'd like and allow me, I'll follow you whatever your name is...

Best wishes on the mental preparations for your triathlon next week.

Blessings and aloha.

Pammie said...

I had a good sober day today, and I am very grateful for it.
I'm with you, I'm ready to get back to the schedule of work.

garden-variety drunk said...

just stopping by to say hi and i like the new name. :)

Lou said...

I like the name change. It WAS
kinda confusing.

Scott W said...

I like the name change. Have a great Monday!

Gin said...

Love the new name. Perfect for your blog.

Syd said...

Whatever the name, I take comfort that it is still you under it all. Hope all goes well with triathlon training. It is hot here--too hot for much outdoor activity.

Bill said...

I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!

Happy 25th, belatedly!!!

Your story about buying the ruby earrings made me get a little damp-eyed here at work. I'm glad you treated yourself to something you have wanted for such a long time. You have earned them!

GG said...

I like the new name and love today's photograph. Those sunflowers, wow!

Unknown said...

I hope you have a good triathlon next week, you're blog is great and has helped me a great deal, james