Sunday, August 07, 2011


Someone brought me flowers again last night. <3

Today we are heading to a 14,264 foot high mountain. So, maybe this will be my 14er, finally. I never could climb one, although I attempted it twice. I got to around 13,000 feet both times and just had to bag it. Sad. This one has a road all the way to the top, so it is highly likely that I will make it :-)

So, I have a sponsee who is beating herself up without mercy. I talked to her this morning and asked her to please talk about herself like she would talk about someone she loves dearly and doesn't want to hurt. For me, I visualize one of my children. She does not have children, but she loves several of them. This means she cannot say "I am such a mess," "I'm an idiot," I'm stupid," etc. She can say "I am going through a challenging time and I am upset," "I may have made a poor choice," etc. She is going through difficulty, but she is sober - and for an alcoholic to stay sober is a big deal - always. We need to remember this every day. And thank God for it.

I have so many people to pray for today, and although I am sorry for the difficulties that people are facing, I sure am grateful to have so many people to love. My daughter-in-law lost one of her friends in Afghanistan yesterday. She is hurting.

Thank you God I can see outside of the bubble of self today. That truly is by your grace, and not my work.


Lou said...

The Middle East conflict is so terrible. When will it all end?

Syd said...

Enjoy the climb. I hope your sponsee learns to love herself. And to make amends to herself. Nice about the flowers.

Pammie said...

It was nice to come to my computer this morning and see your roses and table cloth (I would know your table cloth anywhere.)
I hope you are smiling sweetly at this mystery rose giver! :-)

WV: prized