I am still on a pink cloud from that race. I really need to write about all I learned...but aren't you lucky because I won't bore you with it here!
Yesterday I had an iced latte from Starbucks at noon. I guess that is too late in the day for me to consume caffeine because I barely slept last night until about 4 a.m., and then I slept like a rock until 6. I am running way late and haven't even run this morning. I feel rather sluggish. I have a meeting with my boss this morning and I need to be sharp! sharp! sharp!
Maybe running 13.1 miles wipes everything out of your mind and that is why I am feeling so happy. I don't know. I just don't seem to have much to say. I am sure I will tomorrow...
"The minute I figure I have got a perfectly clear pipeline to God, I have become egotistical enough to get into real trouble. Nobody can cause more needless grief than a power-driver who thinks he has got it straight from God." -- As Bill Sees It, p. 38
maybe you should try de-caff ...
Actually, 33 years of drinking alcohol and smoking grass will also clear your mind.
For good.
Awesome job MC! I have my first 5K with my students on June 4th. Well, my first in about 20 years. You inspire me!
My sponsor wants me to cut down on caffeine too. It's my last vice!
maybe you should just ride that high for awhile litlle miss...you deserve it!!
Heck, MC, I would ride that wave for all it's worth!
MC. I agree with Scott W. You deserve a long ride on that wave. I used to power-walk - 8 mi per day. Really need to get back to that before I age myself out. HA!
Hope all went well with your boss.
After reading you post the other day, my initial few words didnt seem enough!! what a fanatastic acheivement, Well done, you are an inspiration, thank you for blogging & sharing it all, even the toe nail bits :-)
man I owuld be flat on my u know what after 13+ miles lol!
You ROCK MC. In these neck of the woods there is the run that many have been trianing for months that will take place this weekend. Mitch is gonna run it. I will try to make an appearance, maybe serving a booth or taking pix. It is hard being handicaped, for I began training and had to stop due to my fracture. It has been so hard to accept this. My crutches are a part of me right now, I have never been handicapped. I never knew the emotions of it all. So I want to go, to support Mitch and my fellow Boot Campers . . . and not focus on self . . .
ANyhow GOOD 4 U woman, I am excited to see your accomplishments. Makes me smile and how I appreciate that! Muah!
Thanks for the new topic on Sobriety Society. I was a bit stuck on the title...
You look good crossing the finish line. I suspect that the sense of accomplishment has you on the high, not the caffeine. You deserve to be on the pink cloud.
I am still so impressed by what you can get yourself to do
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