I recently logged my 1000th mile on my Nike + iPod. I started using it in 2006, when I really started running a lot. By 2007, it quit working and I stopped using it. When I bought a new iPod in September or October, I bought a new sensor, and started logging runs again. Nike is so smart, they give you the "opportunity" to purchase this t-shirt to commemorate your 1000 miles - and can I resist a $30. pink cotton t-shirt that I have to pay to have shipped to me? No. Will I ever wear it? We'll see.
I finally get to go to my home group this morning. I am taking the fliers for the event that I am holding here on Saturday night. I am taking Friday off to get my house in order. It should be great fun and maybe an opportunity for service as well.
Gotta get in that bathtub.
Tuesday is a good day to be sober, I think I will try it - all day long.
Pink shirt, pink toenails, and diamond earrings. Awesome.
You'd think you were a girl!
Enjoy this day.
God, to stay sober ALL DAY??? How will you DO it, Mary Christine?
I like pink--and yellow!
I think 1000 miles is a MARVELOUS achievement! And in such a short time, doing everything else you do. BRAVO, BRAVO.
Wait, a 1000 freakin' miles and you get a stinkin' T shirt?
What time shall I be at your house for the event? (wouldn't that be great mary?)
Tuesday is a great day. I don't have to go back to the wound care center anymore! I am healed!!!
Way to go, MC!! I've got to get my butt back running, too. 1000 miles is soooooo cool!!! CONGRATS!!
I, who is still still trying to start the stretching and calisthenics to begin to get in shape where I can take a long walk and maybe, eventually, get to some place where I might be willing to consider the possibility of maybe, someday, if the wind isn't blowing and it's not too cold or too hot or too inconvenient to begin to think about running...
I, am impressed...
Very cool! Loving that shirt!
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