I took the above photo from my office window on Monday morning. Through the trees, you can see the steeple of a church outlined against the predawn sky. Normally, I look out my office window and do not notice that church, but in the dark, it commands some attention.
I was on my way out the door to the gym when I noticed that my iPod is not charged. I hope it will charge enough while I am writing this so that I can use it for a quick run on the treadmill. I am hopeful that I can get back in the habit of running - which is my antidepressant. I am working a lot of hours and a touch overwhelmed right now. Running seems like the last thing in the world I have time for - but I better try to make time for it.
My neighbor is going to be confirmed at Easter and has asked me to be her sponsor. I agreed. On Monday she gave me the schedule for the next month. I am going to be spending a LOT of time at church. I am so honored that she asked me to do this.
Truly God writes straight with crooked lines!
A couple of years ago I would say "Mary, don't be running all the time when you are so busy." I have learned that you are a happier Mary when you run....so RUN MARY RUN!
You aren't sure whether she's really your neighbor? She has to be confimed first?
Oh. It must be an HOA issue.
Lovely photograph.
Seems you function best when stretched to your limits.
Some people need a full plate to function at their optimum limits.
I like what Pam said though, run Mary run!
beautiful photo!
Indeed He does write in crooked lines doesn't he?
Those Easter time ceremonies are so beautiful. Playing violin there (at church) I get to take part in a lot of it again this year.
Anna will celebrate her first full year as a catholic. And I will \
That's me--a crooked line! -grin!
What a special place for you, must be in your friend's heart--that you were asked to be sponsor at the confirmation!
Also, I join with those who love that 'night' scene from your workplace. My blog (Thursday) features an 'inside' look at a new (less than a year) 'old' church.
You always seem straight and true to me and never crooked. I'm glad for you MC.
MC I can relate to the hours/overwhelmed deal... There's lots going on in mortgage lending/banking these days and thankfully for me, my "music season" is beginning to take off, so my natural anti-depressants will be working shortly :-)
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