Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Good Night

Tonight I did so much serious work with my psychologist, I just simply must go to bed.

Believe me when I tell you, that right now I cannot say that I am grateful to be sober without weeping. I am so grateful to lay my head down on my pretty bed, sober, clean, and without remorse.

Sweet dreams sweet bloggers, see you on the morrow.


Mike Golch said...

Pleasant dreams my sober friend.

Tall Kay said...

Gorgeous roses! Sweet dreams.

Pammie said...

For me darlin', any kind of emotional work is exhausting. You are so brave little rosebud.

Anonymous :) said...

Thank God for sleep.

Andrea said...

I'm new to the recovery blogs. Love your blog. Keep dreaming about the studs until christmas, and then buy them.
Apologise about my English, it is not y first languge.

Dr24Hours said...

I had those days in my shrink's office too, Mary. Grueling, brutal, and thoroughly wonderful. Congratulations. And thank you for being so grateful, it is inspiring.

Andrea: your english is fantastic!

Mary Christine said...

Andrea, I would love to visit your blog, but it is by invitation only?

Lou said...

I just recently read when you get older (50's and up), you start remembering things you had forgotten from childhood and early adulthood. I was stunned because I have started to have that happen to me. All sorts of unpleasant memories I had forgotten have been surfacing lately.

I guess the day of reckoning comes no matter what. In some way we have to put the past behind us. I wish I had a shrink;)

Syd said...

I hope that you got some rest. It is draining to go through a session with a therapist. I much prefer my meetings in the program.

Andrea said...

Mary, my blog is a very personal one, more like a diary (with names etc.). I am working on a public blog and let you know when it is available to view.
Thank you Mary for sharing your blog with us, it is very inspiring.