He told me I can't run the half-marathon on Sunday. He was shocked when I started crying.
If God wants me to run that race I guess I will. And if he doesn't, I guess I won't. I don't think one little sprained foot is too big of a job for my Higher Power!
"Our very first problem is to accept our present circumstances as they are, ourselves as we are, and the people about us as they are. This is to adopt a realistic humility without which no genuine advance can even begin." -- As Bill Sees It, p. 44
MC!!!! Maybe you should go into your closet and scream "No Fair" about 25 times and sort of get it all out (or that's just me) then make an intellectual decision about the run and not an emotional one.
I just can't stand to think about you in pain, and dissapointment.
I'm so sorry this has happend sweet butter bean.
I really hate to hear that. Maybeyou can find a way to help the organizers so you'll at least feel a "part of".
Or not.
(and I would love for you to be here on Sat. also)
Bleh. Hate to hear that. Sounds like a weekend of knitting instead?
MC, bummer... I hope your foot heals quickly :-)
OMG that SUCKS! John is so overwhelmed. He went on retreat last weekend and he helped him get a bit centered but he is STRESSED out. He has a $700 exam he has to take the day before too.
Hope your OK. Been thinking of you.
A quote I heard a couple of years ago that has really stuck with me:
"Whenever I thought my life was falling apart, when I looked back on it, I saw it was falling together."
Something is in the works.
Take good care...
I know, you were knitting so you wouldn't throw something! Sorry to hear about your fall. As they say..This too shall pass. (okay, I'm ducking now, just in case you aren't knitting:)
Sorry MC to hear about the injury. But there will be other races. You don't want to have serious long-lasting injuries.
As always, you demonstrate a sincere and resilient attitude. You have prospective, baby!
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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