Monday, January 19, 2009

A Great Race

I had the best time yesterday!  I just relaxed and enjoyed myself.  If the race would have ended at 11 miles, I would have had my best race ever.  But in the last 2 miles, I really suffered and lost my good momentum.  But I finished!  If you are ever considering running a marathon or half-marathon, this is the one to do.  The weather was fabulous - a little hot - it got up to 80º yesterday.  The course was fast and flat.  Although the race is huge, it is really well organized.  It was fun and friendly.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself.  Now all I have to do is figure out what to do with huge blisters on the balls of both of my feet that make it nearly impossible to walk.  

I think I am going to go back to bed now.  

I am extremely grateful to have been able to come to sunny Arizona in January and meet up with some great folks and run a great race.  The hotel is nice.  It is just a nice, nice break from my life which was starting to feel like endless drudgery.  


Scott W said...

See? And there you were all worried you wouldn't make it.

Pammie said...

I'm so very proud of you little cactus bud.

Trailboss said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself. Sleep well.

Anonymous said...

glad you enjoyed the race. I usually opt for poking a small hole in blisters with a safety pin and draining the fluid.

have a good day.

Hope said...

Very cool.
Or, very hot.

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Congratulations!!! What a wonderful accomplishment. You've earned a nap before your flight home.

dAAve said...

It all worked out
I figgered it would
'cause I know well
you're the runner that could.

Shannon said...

right on MC so glad you enjoyed yourself and got some warm sunshine. I love Arizona, looking forward to my trip in April

Wait. What? said...

Congrats - how wonderful - you made it!!!

Lou said...

I'm glad it turned out fun & relaxing. No high heels this week, OK!

Banana Girl said...

MC, Good for YOU! I am going to send you an e-mail on something else. J.

Syd said...

Good for you. I'm so glad that you finished. And that you enjoyed it.