Saturday, April 03, 2010

Something New

I am going to go and try to run with a road runners club this morning. One wouldn't think this would cause me a sleepless night - but it did. I have lost my ability to motivate myself to go out and run, I know I need some external help. I know that when I went to run the half-marathon in Phoenix last year and had some buddies to run with it was a whole lot more fun. I "knew" three of them from my other blog. And the rest of them were part of a running group. They had a lot of fun together. Well, I guess in that case, WE had a lot of fun. I will try to see if I can find the fellowship I crave.... But I am scared to death. I am not a fast runner. I am a whiner. It is cold out. The route they have chosen (not posted until yesterday) is far away and I don't want to drive there. I could go on, but there is no point, is there? I will do what you guys taught me to. Suit up and show up. Do it regardless of whether I feel like it or not.

Yesterday I spent many hours at church, which was wonderful. I looked around at one point and realized that there were people there I knew from work, from Biblical School, from my neighborhood, and from AA. What a wonderful feeling for this alcoholic to be somewhere and feel like I belong. Another thing I first experienced in AA.

And then I went to an AA meeting. In the meeting there was a man who was sober for 5 days. He is 3 days out of detox. He was shaking like a leaf. All over shaking. I remember that kind of shaking. And because they have a potluck on Friday night, he spent Thursday evening boiling potatoes and eggs, and chopping celery and onions for his own homemade potato salad to share with the group. These are the kinds of things that lead me to believe that he may stick around. I certainly hope so. It was good for me to talk with him.

And the potato salad was good too.

Wish me luck with the running club.

Have a Holy Saturday.... a Sober Saturday.


Pammie said...

I already love potato salad man!
YES!! that looks like a nice bunch of runners and you will fit right in! Y'all can call yourselves "THE CRAZY PEOPLE WHO GET UP ON SATURDAY MORNING AND RUN POSSE"

Carverlane said...

Nice! Yup, that motivation is a "we" thing, whether staying sober, running marathons, or losing weight. I heard more about it yesterday in a WW meeting. Hey, was that Pammy up there? It gladdens my heart.

Kim from sAn Antonio

Anonymous said...

Suit up and Show up... I needed to hear that. No cutting myself off from the world and emotions. Living life on life's terms...TODAY.

Anonymous said...

It took me along time before I finally I had the courage to join the local running club in my area. Now I have great friends for the rest of my life. And it's great to be able to volunteer and help at all the local races. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.


Syd said...

I hope that he stays too. My heart goes out to him. I hope that you enjoy your run,dear MC. Running with others is motivating.

Ed G. said...

Man - I wish I could learn that suiting and showing thing in a way that made it easy and familiar. Oh well, maybe next year.

I wish you the best of fortunes in all your endeavors of your day.

And, happy Easter.

Blessings and aloha...

dAAve said...

I really like that about the newly sober guy. I love that willingness.
Enjoy yourself today.

kelly said...
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