Friday, January 06, 2012


I am looking forward to today.  I had intended to get up and run - outdoors - but since it doesn't get light until after 7 a.m., I decided to hop on the treadmill.  And since I am sick of the treadmill, I decided to bag it altogether.  I don't usually do any miles on the day before my "long run" with the group on Saturdays.  And since my foot is barely functional, I think it would be a good idea to skip it today.

My future has been up in the air since the end of October.  By the end of today, I should know where I am working.  That's all I am going to say about that.

I am weary of the sepia of winter.  I love bright colors so much.  I love roses and tulips and lilacs.  But my reality is another 3 months of winter.  I end up doing all kinds of things to "trick" myself into not going into a depression at this time of the year.  One of my favorites is the tanning salon.... I haven't been there since July and I am trying to stop altogether.  We'll see if I am able.

OK, I am dull today.  Too much going on.  Too much in the air.

But I do know I am sober.  I am grateful for that.  I am grateful for a loving God who somehow cares for me every single day of every single year.


Syd said...

You aren't dull. The winter time in your climate can be terribly monotone. At least here, we have color on the oaks throughout the winter. And it seldom freezes enough to kill the grass. We sow rye seed which keeps the yard green--very green.

Hope that all goes well with your possible employment and career opportunities.

dAAve said...

It's weird that you and Pam both used the word "dull" to descirbe yourselves today.
I don't agree.
Maybe it's that thing we call serenity.

Anonymous said...

I am dying to hear the news you keep eluding to! Our winter has been so mild (so far) I noticed my daffodils trying to come up already! SUpposed to be in the fifties today and so far a minor dusting of snow down here, 60 miles from the lake. I have been wondering about the foot.

ScottF said...

I hate limbo MC, glad to know you'll have some details about you professional life!

You're quite the vibrant person, in my humble opinion!

amber said...

Thanks again for taking time out of ur day to inspire all of us. All ur posts bring me more peace. I dont know what i would do wo ur site. Keep doing what ur doing.

Mary LA said...

Thinking of you and that job.

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

It's so funny how our feelings don't always reflect the facets of our lives accurately. :) I love colors too, I love so many of the colors in nature. I especially love sunrise and sunset and the rainbow I find in the skies at those times :)