Tuesday, January 10, 2006

You know you're at work early...

When they're buffing the floors. And it's dark outside.

But thank God I CAN be here this early and get ready for what could be a rather outrageous day. And as long as I keep my EGO out of it, it will be just fine.


Unknown said...

I resent the email to your address.

Shannon said...

Egos have a tendency to mess things up... just ask God to help...

E Edging
G God
O Out

dAAve said...

aawoken --- why do you resent the email? Remember, resentments are the number one offender.


Mary Christine said...

Oh my God Daave, I wrote something almost identical to that, but someone walked into my office and I quickly closed the whole thing down... comment left unsaid. So glad you are there to pick up the baton!