Monday, January 02, 2012


Since I have the day off work, I am sitting in the living room, in my pajamas, laptop on my knees, in front of the fire.  This is a luxury I don't believe I have ever indulged in.

Although I always look forward to three day weekends, I usually am ready to go back to work by Monday.  My life is usually so full of work and workouts, I protect my down-time a bit fiercely.  I don't like to schedule every moment of a weekend.  But then on a long weekend, if I haven't scheduled it to the brim,  I am left feeling bored and dull by Monday.

This morning I made a full page list of what I would like to accomplish this year.  The first item on the list was "Start a new career!!!"  How exciting that this is likely what is going to happen in 2012.  How many 60 year old women get to do this?  Of course, probably the real question is 'How many 60 year old women want to do this?'  Well, I do.

So, I shall get out of here to go to the gym and later I will go down to the local park and pay up for my annual pass so I can bike, hike, run, and swim there for another year.

I honestly think 2012 is going to be a great year.   I am happily anticipating what it may bring.   It is the 28th year I have started sober.  I can't think of anything better than that!


Syd said...

Awesome! I think it is great. You have the ambition and the drive, plus the humility and hope. Wonderful things.

Anonymous said...

You are such an inspiration, Mary! Hopefully in 2012 as I turn 50, I will also be starting a new career.

dAAve said...

Good for you for taking some leisure time.
Enjoy it while you can because it's SO against your instincts.

Annette said...

28 years MC. Congratulations. A lot of hard work has gone into that 28 years I would imagine. I admire you greatly.

As to the career change...that is really something too. It says a lot about you and who you are and how you present yourself that at 60 years old you are in hot demand at the work place. Good for you!

Mary Christine said...

Note on sobriety calculations:
0-1 years, you are experiencing things for the first time sober. Even though you are not yet one year sober.

1-2 years, you are experiencing things for the second time sober....


So, I am sober 27 years and some months, but for these annual things, I am experiencing them for the 28th time.

Lou said...

Mary, I went to the gym this a.m., and it was packed with new faces! LOL, I hope some of them stick around long enough to see what a difference it makes in how they feel.

Now that's its a bone chilling, windy 28 degrees, I'm done running outside. I miss it so, but I just cannot get warm in the winter.

So exciting about the new career. Learning new things keeps us alive mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Mary Christine said...

Lou, I did not muster up the guts to face the gym today. I hit the treadmill in the basement instead. Now I am off for a bike ride in the 50º afternoon sun.

JeremyRT said...

Sounds beautiful already! Happy New Year!

Grace-WorkinProgress said...

I feel good about the upcoming year even if there is a lot of uncertainty in my personal life.

I am ready to face what ever life has to offer.

Anonymous said...

Excellent inspire me to look at trying to change my life and stop my binge drinking.....

Thanks again...I would like to start doing what's good for my family and I.

Pammie said...

I am so excited to see how the job stuff unfolds!
I am praying that you will be able to find the right physical routine that fits in with foot problem and new job.