Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The First Day

What a day!  My first day on a new job.  I kept thinking - this is so weird.  I don't know anyone and I don't know my way around.  I don't know anything!  I would say that felt good about 85% of the time.  It is rather uncomfortable too.  But I relish the discomfort because it means I am out of the rut I was in.

The job is going to be challenging, but I knew that going in.  That will be good too.

Last weekend I told my friends at the running club about the new job... and discovered then that one of my friends from the club lives directly across the street from my new building!  I called her at lunch time and asked her if she could get away (she works from home) for lunch.  We went to a wonderful middle eastern restaurant just around the corner.  It was excellent food and it was nice to see my friend.

There are many more stories to tell, but I am cross-eyed, I am so tired.  I must go to bed.

I am so grateful to be starting a new and exciting job.  I find it exciting to be downtown.  I even like riding the bus.

I will put my head on the pillow in a matter of minutes and before I go to sleep, I will thank God for another blessed day of sobriety.  It is truly amazing what can happen in a sober life.


Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

(above deleted for misspelling)
So glad to hear that today went well, Mary Catherine. May the rest of the week be filled with learning experiences and meeting new folks. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...


Lou said...

You can get a lot done on the bus! I put the link for the comment thingy on my blog. I don't really like it though.

We have the largest Mideastern population in the US. The hummus here is authentic and awesome!

Was everyone eying your stylish outfit!!

dAAve said...

What Patty said.

Pammie said...

Soon, you'll be knitting on the bus I'll bet.
I'm so happy that the first day went well. I thought of you many times yesterday and asked God to help you through it.

Mary Christine said...

Thanks for the link!

The assistant in my department told me to stop dressing up! I am looking forward to wearing pants today. Getting my new work area set up involved crawling around on the floor yesterday - in my Armani skirt!

Mary Christine said...

I was knitting on the bus, it was awesome. I will be super productive now!

Thanks for your prayers.

I could use some today since I couldn't sleep last night!

Mary Christine said...

Thanks Lynda

Mary Christine said...

yeah, yay!

Mary Christine said...

I agree - what she said!

Syd said...

I'm so glad for you, MC. Just need a boost of something good happening today. And you as well as others blogs are helping.

Mary Christine said...

Glad I could be some small help Syd.