Saturday, February 06, 2010

Cherry Pie

Today was a wonderful day full of AA fellowship. Any day like that is bound to be good. It started with a meeting, and then a great breakfast with great friends. I came home and baked my first ever cherry pie. (there is absolutely no fresh fruit worth baking a pie out of at this time of year, so I opted to use frozen cherries - it was good.) I took the cherry pie to night watch at one of our members' house. There were about a thousand little kids there and I wasn't feeling that great, so I left early and came home. And have been on the phone ever since.
Thank God for friends. Thank God for telephones. Thank God for people who use them.

Thank God I am a part of the world today. Because I am sober, I can be a part of my circle of Alcoholics Anonymous. I can be a part of my family. I can be a part of my workplace. I can be a part of my neighborhood. I can be a part of my church. I can be a part of my school.

One infinitely small, but important, pixel in the big picture. I am so grateful to know that.


Anonymous said...

It does feel good to actually BE a part of! That pie looks too yummy!

Ed G. said...

Cherry pie is my favorite (today). Thanx for thinking of me.

Blessings and aloha...

Scott W said...

Aww, that pie has a heart on it!

Unknown said...

The heart in the pie says it all. Yep--being a part of instead of apart of is a good thing.


Lou said...

Hellofa job on the crust!

dAAve said...

Cherry pie yummy!

A thousand little kids, eh? That's a bunch.

Syd said...

That is a great looking pie. It's a wonder that those thousand kids didn't attack you for the pie.

Tom F said...

I feel grateful to be sober today. I get great joys out of doing simple things that I never did when I was drinking.