Sunday, February 28, 2010

Late Winter Stuff

These are my new running shoes, along with some other items that are pink and make me happy. My favorite color is green, but I seem to be on a pink kick suddenly.

I went out yesterday morning after the meeting to try to run 6 miles. I was nervous about being able to do it. But I found it was no problem at all, well, except for the condition of the trail. The trail was very very icy. There were huge stretches where I had to get off the trail and run and /or walk in the snow. The ice was too slippery to even walk on. It was still so good to be out in the sunshine.

Now I am thinking maybe I can do an April half-marathon... I thought that would be too soon, but it may not be. And I am actually starting to believe that I will be able to run 26.2 in September.

Dinner with my family was wonderful last night. After dinner my son and his girlfriend took off, and my two daughters and I went to a couple of tattoo shops. They both needed some barbells - imagine that. In one of the shops a young woman with more piercings than tattoos tried to talk me into piercing my nose. Yikes. She said she had a beautiful diamond that would look great on me. yeah, I don't think so. (But if I do manage to run a marathon in September, I am going to have "26.2" tattooed somewhere on my body - I haven't figured out just where yet.... was thinking foot, but daughter tells me that is very painful -- I have lived 57 years without one mark on this body, if I can run a marathon, I am willing to label myself with that feat.) What a thrill it was to walk down the city sidewalk with my two daughters - who are acting like two sisters who have never had a problem before. God has been very busy changing their hearts and healing them.

I guess it is supposed to snow later, so I got out this morning for a little bit. In the lovely 40º morning sun, I walked around my yard to survey the progress of the living things popping up. Tulips are coming up and that is a good thing. Their buds got killed (frozen) last year, so I never had tulips - which is one of my favorite things in life.
Sobriety is good. It may not sound like much in my case, but let me tell you, I have had enough excitement in my life to last several lifetimes, I don't want or need any more. I will just thank God for what I have been given and today that seems like a lot.


Syd said...

I don't have any tattoos either but some piercings in my ears. I have resisted getting inked.

Glad that you are having a good day. It is beautiful here.

Anonymous said...

Very nice!

dAAve said...

That's all good MC, especially abotu the girls.
I too have had enough excitement. To most people, I'm sure I seem very boring. But it suits me and that's all that matters.

Pammie said...

Love the pink!!
I'm still thinking we should get I Love God on our wrists while in San Antonio this summer.
I'm so happy to hear about the girls!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am a new follower, came over from Steve's blog. I am a runner too, so I know you will do well in any running challenge because you are out there running on ice and snow, good distances too!


Unknown said...

I know the run did you a world of good. Pink fits you today. I got my first tattoo last 2 years ago. I think I am going to get another one. It is addicting..go figure.


Mary LA said...

I look forward to seeing a pic of you tulips later this spring.

Lou said...

The running items are pretty. I'm an old t-shirt and torn shorts runner..LOL

God is reuniting your family. So beautiful!

Dr24Hours said...

I have 5 tattoos. And I love them all, because I waited until I was old enough to do it for me, and not out of misplaced rebellion. I love my ink.

Ed G. said...

Seems like God's done alright by you. I'm happy and proud for you, your family and AA.

Blessings and aloha...