Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Just when I was totally freaked out at work, yesterday the freak out expanded exponentially. This is giving me a stomach ache. Thankfully last night I had my Bible class, and I actually forgot about work for a little while.

This morning I am going to an AA meeting on my way to work. At 10:00 I have a meeting at work of the best workgroup I have ever assembled, although the work isn't that pleasant, I sure enjoy the company... and they are smart! And hardworking! Wow!

Since I am sitting in my jammies, and I need to be at a meeting in 45 minutes, I think I better run.

Just want to say that although work is crazy and very very upsetting, I can draw close to my God and know that I will be OK - whether or not my workplace is OK. Whatever chaos is around me, whatever threats to my livelihood and others' homes - it will be fine. I have been through terrible times in sobriety and they were my greatest teachers.... I know that no matter what, as long as I am sober and stay close to God, I will be OK.


dAAve said...

I think the greatest challenge I have ever faced was to gain the desire to stop drinking.
Look what happened with that decision!

Syd said...

I've come to believe that no matter what happens I'll be okay. It is total acceptance. I feel much better when I don't try to force the outcomes.

Scott W said...

Thanks for reminding me about the miracle of faith and trust.

Kathy Lynne said...

That's the best feeling of all.

Shannon said...

I am glad you shared this, sometimes we are faced with difficulties in our lives, but we have to deal with life on lifes terms, and this is you showing us doing the things we are supposed, prayer, meetings, acceptance... I appreciate you sharing this today. Thank you and have a great day