It took all day to do this. I am so tired. Well, I have also been to two AA meetings and to church. I also spent a few hours looking at Edmunds.com. But I have a new car and it is nice and I am very happy about it.
This morning I was at a meeting where the speaker mentioned that he was born in January 1985. Well, shiver me timbers, I was sober 6 months when this dude was born! Unlike other old-timers in AA, I don't think that makes me eligible for an award, I realize that this makes me someone that he totally cannot relate to. I am older than his mother for crying out loud! I am still working out what to do with this information. Another blogger who upset me earlier this week insultingly ranted about elderly women sitting in AA meetings in the midwest doing their "macrame." Really? You wanna swap stories buddy? I guess the decent thing for a really hard core alcoholic would be to die before they get old and start looking peaceful and serene.
OK, clearly I am too tired to be writing for publication. Forgive me.
Night Night... my new car is right underneath my bedroom in my garage... night night new car...
Congratulations on selling useless car and buying the new one! I once co-owned a car called Jinxed for six years and I still dream of it.
Night night moon!
Congrats on the new car. It is a beauty.
I'm still missing my 1995 red T-bird. Unfortunately, Andrew drove it around town over a period of many years while I was sleeping. He put some miles on it.
But really, I'm over it..ha,ha. This entire post made me laugh, and put me in a good frame of mind this a.m. Maybe it's the word "macrame" which I have not heard in awhile;)
I worry about the young ones not being able to relate to me as well.
I'm glad that car is gone!
YAHOO you did it!
Macrame in a meeting???
Well I NEVAH!!
Yippee! on the new car. I'm sure you'll love it.
If you can do macrame in a meeting, I'm am going to take up papier mache.
Well, then, get my marble slab and my tools and I will start sculpting. I get irritated with people who berate anyone using their phone for texting, game playing or whatever during a meeting. Would they berate the person knitting, or drawing?
I like where I am in my sobriety. I can relate to long timers and newcomers alike.
Looks like you got yourself a brand new toyota! I was just teling So that we bought our 99 Camry 11 yrs ago today. I love it but will more than likely be getting another vehicle soon. You will love yours.....I have heard that VWs are not very good cars. Too bad too cause I love the way they look.
If you ever wanted a Toyota, now is the time to get one. Those people fell over themselves thanking me for "giving them a chance." They have really taken a beating. And it is a beautiful RAV 4.
New Cars are so exciting. Wife still raves about her new car, and it's 10 months old now.
Good for you MC. Glad that you got rid of the lemon and have a new car. If people are paying attention to what others are doing in meetings, then they appear not to be paying too much attention to the meeting. There are many ladies who knit in meetings I attend. It looks relaxing.
Congrats on your new car. I hope it gives you thousands of safe, happy, worry-free miles.
Blessings and aloha...
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