The whole family has been through this before with her. She had been clean for about 6 years. Now she isn't.
This morning I am old and I am tired.
Update: I just got an e-mail from my friend who said this "She is a good person, she will get sane again. That is not a platitude, its just that what ever is bedevilling her, she always overcomes it in the end." Somehow, since this friend has known me and my kids for over 21 years, it really means something to me.
It is hard to "let go and let God" when your kids are the one involved.
Yep, it sure is. I can KNOW what to do and what to think, but right now I am not there. One thing I can do though is something I learned in aa and alanon - just do the next right thing. Which right now is to get to work...
mmmmmmm cake!
Keep close contact with your Higher Power, at times like this it is easy to let crazy thinking take over. Use the phone too.
Cake.......chocolate cake.......mmmmmmmmmmm. Yummy!
I see you and cake too,
Tough. Really tough.
But the cake AND your hand makes for a very decent hAAlf nAAked thrusdAAy picture.
sending you a hug !!! and you are not old... but you may feeeel old... :)
Dutifuly added to prayers. You are an amzing person. God bless.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You guys really have brightened my day today.
I am struggling with this issue too. It's so hard to let them go to walk their own path in life....lots are with you
I stumbled upon your blog while reading one of my favorite blogs, I think there must have been a link... I read it in its entirety (sp?). I started blogging a bit myself a few months ago as a form of self therapy, but dont keep up on it as often as I should, I tent to get lost reading others blogs instead. I am going through hell with my 16 year old son and feel as though I am the only parent in my neighborhood who isnt blind and is trying to take care of business. Tonight, I will be attending my first Families Anonymous meeting. I am frightened and excited. Just wanted to say hello and I will add you and your daughter to my prayers.
Either I am losing my eye sight or you shrunk your font. yikes... I agree use the phone it really helps, blogging only is just issolating.
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