Thursday, December 01, 2011

Strange Birds

The birds aren't really strange as in odd, just strange as in I don't really know them.  They are ordinary house finches.  I love to watch them come to the feeder and eat.  They are all over that aspen tree in my back yard.  

It is snowing like crazy.  I got up at 4 and was in the pool by 5 a.m.  The ride to the pool and back was terrifying.  I do a lot of talking to God on these ill-advised journeys of mine.  I am hoping that if I don't leave for work until 8 a.m., most of the traffic will be gone and the plows will have been out.   I think this might be wishful thinking as the tracks in the driveway from my car returning are already totally covered over with snow.  

Today I am just grateful to God that I am sober, there is no real drama going on, I can go to work today - with only one meeting on my schedule - and come home from work tonight.  I am grateful for an ordinary life today.  

For an alcoholic, that truly is strange!


Syd said...

Take care out there on the roads. Wow--snow, but it is winter for sure there.

Kary May said...

I'm stuck up north in the beautiful city of Brush, CO and for various and assorted reasons, I really need to get home. But I'll keep trying to reassure myself that God will get me there, when he gets me there. Stay safe.

ScottF said...

Hi MC :-) I love to watch the bird on our feeders as well. It makes me feel good to feed the bird, especially this time of the year.

I'm glad you slipped-slided your way to and from the pool safely today!

Bar L. said...

I love birds! We have several feeders and watching them is such a peaceful feeling.

Stay safe on those roads. I'm impressed that you get up so early to swim!

Lou said...

We got our first dusting (less than 1") on Tuesday night. Give us a pic tomorrow morning, OK.

Mary LA said...

I like the photo of those little finches on a snowy day.

As others have said, please take care driving in dangerous conditions.

Pammie said...

I think you should call your boss and say "hey, it's snowing, so of course no work today right?"

New boyfriends and cold weather kind of go together.

Debbi said...

I spoke at an AA meeting last week and contrasted my old life – full of risky business, living on the edge – with today's knitting, cooking, gardening ... ordinary and yet extraordinary because I am present for it.

Stay safe, and keep all that snow to yourself! Heh.

Non Stop Traffic Formula said...

Hope these birds come in upcoming winters too.