Monday, November 20, 2006

Monday Morning

You were right Lash. The Chargers did beat the Broncos last night. I am grateful that I decided to go to bed and Tivo the second half of the game. Somehow, I don't think that is a game I am going to get around to watching.

I am going to head out of here in a minute to take a sunrise run. I would rather go to the gym this morning and hit the treadmill, but I am just running too late to do that.

I am looking forward to getting back to work this morning. I will work three days, get off one (for Thanksgiving) and then come in on Friday. I usually take the Friday after Thanksgiving off, but I decided not to this year. In fact, I quit one job back in my youth because they wanted me to work the Friday after Thanksgiving - I showed them!

"What about the practice of these principles in all our affairs? Can we love the whole pattern of living as eagerly as we do the small segment of it we discover when we try to help other alcoholics achieve sobriety? Can we bring the same spirit of love and tolerance into our sometimes deranged family lives that we bring to our AA group? Can we have the same kind of confidence and faith in these people who have been infected and sometimes crippled by our own illness that we have in our sponsors?" -- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 112


JJ said...

Happy Monday MC and I'm glad your blog is back.

dAAve said...

A good start to your week.

Trudging said...

Happy Thanksgiving week MC

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving week. I smiled at the comment about quitting the job to get the day after Thanskgiving off when you were young. I once quit a job so I could go to a folk festival in Michigan -- ya, I showed them, too!
P.S. Sorry about the Broncos!

Shannon said...

Happy Mondaay!!!! dang the hawks lost too : ( to the 49ers
But watch out MC on Dec 3 the hawks will beat the Broncos... LOL love ya hope your run was good

Just a man trying to get by said...


I once didn't go to work because I thought playing video games was soooo much more important. Yea, I showed them!

Anonymous said...

That was an ugly game. (For the Broncos that is) The nice thing about living on this coast is that those night football games are over at 9pm. Gotta love it.

Look on the bright side. My quarterback is gone for the year.

Meg Moran said...

I once got FIRED from a job for starting a petition to get rid of special parking places for "management"...I claimed DISCRIMINATION. They said I was a TROUBLEMAKER...imagine....ME????

Petutes said...

Happy Thanksgiving week indeed. That's a big time for me working in retail, but I'm glad I'm working the later shift rather than getting there at the crack of dawn the next day. My family is in town so but they will be having Thanksgiving up in Buena Vista. Due to my work schedule I will be spending it at a friend's house in Littleton (in the program). I hope my fiancee makes it through since he is doing bus routes starting early in the morning. Meanwhile I will be watching the Macy's parade in appreciation since this is who I work for.

Tennessee Santa said...

It has been awhile since I have been able to check some of my blogging friends, So I am glad I did not see your blog not working.

Riaders SUCK I have always had a dislike for that team. I am sorry Denver lost to them. I never minded them losing to any other team but the Raiders just makes me sick

Mike said...

Glad to see mAAck up and about. I will be in his town tomorrow, might just have to surprise him at the noon meeting.....

Unknown said...

Well I guess you did show them! I use to work retail and ALWAYS had to work black Friday and more and more till I was dead by X-mas. I am so glad those days are done done done. Hope your workout was great. Have a happy gobble gobble in case I don't get back this way.

Love and hugs~