Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thank You!

It was one year ago today that Trudging found my blog and put a link on her blog and I was embraced into this wonderful sober blogging community. I remember looking at my blog that day and seeing there were more than a couple of comments and I couldn't believe it! I had started this blog in September '05 and didn't see much point in continuing it, until you so graciously allowed me into your community. This blog has really been a life-saver for me. It has hooked me into another sober community, it has forced me to re-examine my thoughts about being a person with long-term sobriety, and it has gotten my nose back into our beloved AA literature.

I thank you all for taking the risk to share your lives on your blogs. And I thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I consider it an honor.

"In any meeting, anywhere, A.A.'s share experience, strength, and hope with each other, in order to stay sober and help other alcoholics. Modem-to-modem or face-to-face, A.A.'s speak the language of the heart in all its power and simplicity." Alcoholics Anonymous, Forward to the Fourth Edition, p. xxiv


JJ said...

I am grateful Trudge found your blog too.

dAAve said...


Pammie said...

I'm very glad you are out there, and I love to reading what you share.

Scott W said...

Thanks for not giving up on your writing, you inspire me daily, and that helps me stay sober. Thanks for being part of our little community.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being a good example, Mary Christine. I appreciate your writing and sharing immensely.


Shannon said...

its our honor as well MC... I am so glad you are apart of us too and we you! :)

Anonymous said...

I remember the day well. I am glad Trudge found you as well. Fringe netizens on recovery. A very small subset of the recovery world we are.

Just a man trying to get by said...

True that... ;)


Meg Moran said...

I am new to the community, just started blogging, but so far I have had some comments and a warm welcome and I know the feeling you are talking about. The connection is renewed wherever/however...its amazing. God Bless

Amerynthe said...

So glad you carried on blogging, MC! Through your posts I've learned so much, and found some other great blogs that also keep me inspired and help keep me sober. Thank you!

Redhead Gal said...

I'm really glad you continued to blog, MC. Yours is one of my favorites. Your posts are always terrific.

Anonymous said...

Go Trudge. How does she do that? :)

Congrats on being discovered. I am grateful for this colorful community too. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

Stay warm inside and out.

Anonymous said...

I'm grateful for your blog MC and for all of the other AA bloggers out there! The support is awesome ... Thank you for sharing your life with us :)

Anonymous said...

This post made me smile, MC. Cause I remember the feeling, too. April found me and then JJ started coming, too, and then all of a sudden I was in this wonderful world of recovery blogging.
I can't even begin to tell you how much you add to my recovery, MC. You are amazing and I'm glad you kept writing until we could ALL "meet."

Mama Dukes said...

thank you so much for sharing as you do--