Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Snowy Wednesday Morning

It is COLD outside and snowing. I don't feel particularly well (headache & sore throat). I am going to stay home from work today since for once in my life, I have no meetings or anything else scheduled for today.

I am so looking forward to being home all day. I can't imagine anything better right now.

It reminds me of an early gratitude list: I was sober about a year, my brand new car wouldn't start, someone had stolen the radio out of it, and I had a host of other problems. My sponsor told me to write a gratitude list (which really pissed me off.) So, I sat down, unpracticed at being grateful in all circumstances, and slowly started a list. I was grateful for my cup of coffee and my cigarettes. I was grateful for my apartment. I was grateful for my bathtub. I was grateful that no one could steal my bathtub! Then, the most amazing thing of all, I was grateful that I was so easily entertained! And I still am!

I have to take out the trash. - which means I have to get dressed. But I am grateful about trash too. I even wrote a post about it back in 2006.

Have a great sober day everyone.


Scott W said...

I am most grateful for the simple things. And I try to keep my life stuff filtered, that way there is little clutter to weigh my mind down.

"My mind must be free." That is a line from the Utah Saints and one of my favorite songs.

Zanejabbers said...

Hope you feel better. It is amazing how much we find that we can be grateful for. F.I.:email, the bogosphere, blog friends in far off places, etc.

ms. fits chicago said...

I think I had about 14 days when I had a crummy day and my sponsor told me to do that do. I emailed it to her with the title "my begrudgingly written gratitude list" but I was able to come up with 20 things, so that just goes to show...

Pammie said...

Oh I remember those early gratitude lists. I remember how grateful I was that my inspection sticker was valid on my car. I'm so glad you took a day off...bean sprout