Thursday, December 29, 2005

I Love Thursdays

I got back from a wonderful meeting at my home group, followed by pizza with great AA fellows. Well, they are all women, but they are fellows of Alcoholics Anonymous. Anytime you can sit between your sponsor and your sponsee, you know everything is just A-OK. I am plugged into Alcholics Anonymous, and I know that all is well.

Today at work I was having such anxiety I spoke to my boss about it. He, being a psychiatrist, just said "hmmm. yes, I know." But later I talked with the director of nursing and she, being a psych nurse, actually talked to me. She said that my anxiety is understandable, but really not appropriate. She said I am like a conductor of an orchestra. I can conduct, that is my job. If someone isn't playing their instrument, that isn't my responsibility. Oh! That makes sense!

I need to keep this imagery foremost in my brain. I have a lot of work to get done and being anxious is just getting in the way.

Thank God for meetings, my sponsor, my sponsee, some wonderful people I work with, learning in AA how to reach out to others when I need help, learning in AA how to reach out to others when they need help, and learning how to reach out to others to help them when I need to just forget about myself for 5 minutes.

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