My daughter and son decided not to drive through last night. I was glad because my daughter had driven 14 hours on Weds., and then turned around and was driving back, only on the way back she had her brother to share the driving, and to keep her company. So, I will get to see my son today. I asked him if he had any food requests and the only thing he asked for was "Chocolate Lucky Charms" - (YIKES!), I bought organic whole milk because that is what he likes. Today I will get other food requests - I hope he wants me to make pizza. That is another feminine joy, walking through the grocery store purchasing food for your children... even if the "child" is going to be 30 in August and heading off to war. Okay, I am getting better at staying in the moment, but I haven't got it exactly down!
This is my last day of vacation. I have had a fantastic vacation. I am usually anxious to get back to work after a week, but I have thoroughly enjoyed my time off this time. Hopefully I can go back to work with a refreshed attitude.
"The other steps can keep most of us sober and somehow functioning. But Step Eleven can keep us growing, if we try hard and work at it continually." -- As Bill Sees It, p. 264