I decided yesterday, while running on the treadmill, that I really need to run outdoors today - so I am going to do that this morning, but first it needs to get a bit lighter, and hopefully a bit warmer. I am going to take my camera with me in case there should be a photo opportunity (I am still thinking about that moon I saw yesterday). UPDATE: The above photo was taken this morning, the moon wasn't as huge as yesterday, but still very very pretty.
Yesterday was one of my sponsees' 11th birthday. Eleven years without a drink, and I had to cajole her into going to a meeting. She said she didn't care if she is sober or not. I told her that she will drink again if she doesn't care about her sobriety. I don't get it. I really don't get it.
I am mailing my last Christmas box to Iraq this morning. And in it is the last of the candy. I hope to God that I don't need to make any more candy this year. It is EVIL. My son called yesterday afternoon, he sounded tired but good. I asked him if he ever got to wear normal clothes over there, and he said "NO". I think that alone would get really old, but I am a bit of a nut about clothes....
I thank God today for the gift of desperation to get and stay sober. I thank God for the willingness to do what I am supposed to do in order to keep this precious gift - the gift of sobriety and a good, decent, worthwhile life. I MAY be the one who has done the teeeeeny little bit of "work", but I know that the willingness to do it did not come from me. It is a gift from God and I thank Him for it every day.
"Job or no job - wife or no wife - we simply do not stop drinking so long as we place dependence upon other people ahead of depedence upon God." -- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 98
That quote is sooooo true.
I am sorry for your sponsee who has lost her passion. Maybe she needs a good reminder?
Seeing/hearing those struggling serves me well because it reaffirms my desire to stay sober and do the deal. Thanks for the reminder, MC.
wonderful pic
its good you get it even if your sponsee doesn't
At one point my sponsor left AA (anout 10 years ago), but thru the Grace of God remained sober during that time. Something happened in her life that was neccessary for her to walk back into AA. She is now very active in her sobriety today. It is her experience and she had to walk it.
Hopefully your sponsee will discover the gift of what she has.
BTW that pic is amazing. Very spiritual.
Wonderful photo, MC! Made me feel cosy and warm because I am inside.
One of my daughters called me early this morning to say "look at the moon Mom, I am". It has been beautiful the last two mornings.
I just love your hear MC>
Thank you for sharing pieces of it here with us:)
What a pic and quote. I felt shivers looking at that cold weather. I will be there soon.
I thank God for you.
Thank you, MC.
that is one of my fav quotes too. and you did great telling your sponsee that... and hopefully its a wake up call... she must be plataeuing...? (cant spell for shit thank God you still love me : )
thanks MC for always sharing prayers for you, your son and daughters and granddaughters
Moon shots are tough on Point n Shoot cameras. They make it seem so small. I think there is a whole art too photographing the Moon.
Beautiful Photo! It's hard when someone loses their enthusiasm with the program. I heard people talking about that at a meeting last night about feeling good and not needing a meeting. I've been there myself the last few years. We all need that reminder. Thanks MC
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