Friday, December 01, 2006

Frigid Friday

It's Friday and that is a wonderful thing. I have a very big weekend ahead. I will be seeing my old high school friend tomorrow night. I am taking a friend out for dinner for his birthday on Sunday. And we shall see what else happens.

Yesterday I left work early, per doctor's orders, but instead of going home, I went to the gym. I got on the treadmill and ran 6.2 miles. So, I did get my 70 miles logged in November after all. After about 2 miles, I realized my back didn't hurt any more. (It hurts like hell right now though.) You may say that running is terrible for a back, but I don't think it is as terrible as laying on the sofa, taking vicodin, and watching Dr. Phil. I have an appointment for physical therapy scheduled, hopefully that will help. Tonight after work I will go swimming before my regular Friday night meeting.

It is all good. You know why? Because I am sober, I am not angry with anyone this morning, I don't have to remember any lies today, and I can walk out of this house this morning and face the world without fear. Thanks to a loving God and Alcoholics Anonymous.

"For if an alcoholic failed to perfect and enlarge his sprititual life through work and self-sacrifice for others, he could not survive the certain trials and low spots ahead. If he did not work, he would surely drink again, and if he drank, he would surely die." -- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 14-15


Mama Dukes said...

facing the day and the world without fear---now that's a great day!

dAAve said...

Have a GREAT weekend!!!

Just a man trying to get by said...

Have a great weekend! Snow! Yummy, I miss it...


Amerynthe said...

Are you replacing your addiction to alcohol with an addiction to physical exercise?

Only you don't seem to be stopping the exercise when any other normal, reasonable person would have a break ...

Just checking! ;-)

Meg Moran said...

Working thru pain instead of isolating, another miracle of the program. YOU ROCK!

jake said...


jake said...


Anonymous said...

Awesome--I was hoping you would get some PT! Those people are miracle workers IF you do what they tell you to do!
Glad you were able to run some and meet your goal, MC.
You rock. Have a lovely weekend with your pals.

Shannon said...

here here to "It is all good. You know why? Because I am sober, I am not angry with anyone this morning, I don't have to remember any lies today, and I can walk out of this house this morning and face the world without fear. Thanks to a loving God and Alcoholics Anonymous. "

MC I love your perservence on getting your miles in. Be careful and PT will help... is it a muscle strain/sprain? or Nerve or Spine?

Anonymous said...

Mitch has back problems too. The conflict of his early days as a gymnist and now working as a developer/professor has resulted in sleepless nights. He is being treated by a wonderful therapist.

He had to stop running and doing boot camp, he was actually doing more harm although he did not feel it. He felt good during the running. Now thru education and acceptance he is doing exercises, mostly stretching for his back 3-4 times a day. He is improving, slowly however.

Please take care of yourself MC, your so valuable.


Pammie said...

Your enthusiasm is contagious. Thanks

Petutes said...

You go girl for facing the day without fear. My guy threw out his back driving the buses in training but is doing okay now with my encouragement to exercise. I took the initiative to volunteer at the Botanic Gardens for a night for their light display working the information booth. It will feel good to get involved in the general community. I would have been afraid to do it four years ago based on what others would think. Have a great weekend and take it easy. :-)

Scott W said...

Have fun with your guys.