I am heading out of here for a run. I accidentally slept until nearly 6:00 a.m., which is like sleeping till noon for most people. Shannon asked me yesterday how I can do all this stuff in the morning. I usually get up around 4:00 a.m. I make a cup of coffee, sit down and do my reading and prayer. Then I hit my computer and look at blogs and that can take an hour or more. About 6 or so, I start thinking about heading out for a run. I either post on my blog at this time or decide to wait until after I run. About 7 or so, I start thinking about getting to work... etc., etc. I just get up too early. I don't ever set my alarm, and would dearly love to sleep in (like I did this morning), but I normally wake up extremely early. Early morning waking is a feature of depression, which I have. But, praise God, it is not really rearing its ugly head right now. Exercise, diet, meetings, working with others - these are the things that are keeping it at bay. What a wonderful thing.
"The readiness to take the full consequences of our past acts, and to take responsibility for the well-being of others at the same time, is the very spirit of Step Nine." -- As Bill Sees It, p. 145
I too get up at 4:00am. I did not know it was a symptom of depression. I INSIST on watching the sun rise. I need my morning time with coffee, meditation, and puppy dog lovin', before work. You do however, inspire me to maybe just maybe try walking in the mornings.
hey, I've been waking around 6 too lately, it is like sleeping in! O hear early morning waking can be menopause too in addition to depression being a cause
after listening to NPR last evening about Iraq I said a prayer for you & your boy. I know what its like to not know where a son is or if he's ok-- hang in there
I have heard that many times about waking early and depression.
I guess I'm a lifelong sufferer because waking up early every morning goes back to my early childhood. I never could drink enough to keep me from waking up (for good) by 6am. whatEVER.
I like yellow or mustard or whatever that color is.
oh now I'm obsessing on whether or not I'm depressed, or menpause challanged. I like to get up early, and that's all there is to it. :-)
Oh goodness. I didn't mean to imply that everyone who rises early is depressed. Yikes.
Just to throw something else into the mix, any 'unusual' sleep pattern can indicate depression. The opposite can be true: sleeping more than the 'usual' 7 or 8 hours is also a sign ('running away' into sleep).
I don't know which is worse!
PS: Nice hat!
What is it with alkies getting up early. I understand the depression thing.....but!!!!
4am! I know many recovering alkies who are early risers. Me, I could sleep forever....which by the way is also a symptom of depression.
let me guess....the color of my eyes...psychotic you said....well, not too much, i hope...still love you though....take good care....
I get up around 4.30am to take my steroids (eye tablets).
Love the hat. All v.colour co-ordinated. And a lovely colour it is too.
You rock!
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