I am grateful:
that I can go purchase a new pair of shoes when I am feeling a bit blue (so I did... they are much cuter than that picture makes them look)
that I have completed another sober year
that I have another sober year to look forward to
that my major stress at work will be over some time
that I will probably take a vacation to a beach somewhere warm when it is over
that my old friend posted a comment on my blog tonight
I am grateful that there is a fellowship of Alcholics Anonymous. I am grateful for the bloggers I have come in contact with. I think that is so so so so cool.
I am grateful for all the groups I have been a member of over the years. I am grateful for all the lovely people I have come to know and love in AA - whether or not they stayed sober or remained my friend.
I am grateful for my family. I wish my kids would get back from Yellowstone, I miss them!
I am grateful for my great niece who was born on my birthday and they named her MARY! She will be baptised tomorrow.
I am grateful that I can be a real member of my church today. There was a time when that was the last place on earth I wanted to be. Tonight, they read the name of one of my AA acquaintances in the list of the sick. I started crying when I heard that. I knew he was sick, but I guess I didn't want to believe he was THAT sick.
Happy New Year Everyone.